The subscription period for the share issue is closed

The STENOCARE share issue subscription period that started May 27 has been closed on June 11, 2020. Thereby, it is no longer possible to subscribe for the New Shares at DKK 20 each.

On June 15, the company will announce the result of the share issue.

On June 16, the company will inform the banks which participants that have been allocated New Shares. Participants will be informed directly from their bank.

On June 24, the company will transfer the free Bonus Shares to the participants that received allocation of New Shares.

Invitation to shareholders and new investors

STENOCARE raises capital for its international growth strategy.

Buy 3 New Shares at DKK 20 each and get 1 free bonus share,
which equals an average price of DKK 15 per share.


Important information about the offer


All are invited to join in our share issue offer on Nasdaq First North.

The offer is available to shareholders and new investors.



Record date (date at which shareholding is registered for allocation of rights): 26 May

Trading in subscription rights: 25 May to June 9

Subscription period: May 27 to June 11


The New Shares are subscribed via your bank.

GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION: New investors and others wanting to participate in the open subscription without rights must complete the subscription form and send it to their own bank. For subscription form  Click here.

SUBSCRIPTION WITH RIGHTS; Shareholders and other holders of subscription rights must place their order for New Shares directly in the online system of their bank or via their bank manager.



The share issue offer: Buy 3 New Shares for DKK 20 each and get 1 free bonus share (3+1=4).    

This corresponds to a 25% discount on the offer price of DKK 20 and at net price of DKK 15 for each of the four shares. The real discount can be calculated by comparing the DKK 15 average price per share with the market price.

In an attempt to avoid a repeat of from the IPO in 2018 where about 9.000 subscribers had to be rejected due to massive oversubscription, the majority of the issue, including an oversubscription reserve of DKK 15 million, adding up to total proceeds of DKK 45 million is reserved for GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION without rights. Existing shareholders have preferential rights.


    Buy 3 shares at DKK 20 each and get 1 free bonus share (3+1=4) during the subscription period May 27 - June 11
    Bonus share converter
    How many New Shares do you wish to buy at DKK 20/each
    New shares
    With full allocation of New Shares - you will receive:
    0 Bonus shares
    Number of shares in total (with full allocation):
    0 Shares in total
    Total price (with full allocation):
    0 DKK
    Average net price you pay per share:
    0 DKK

    Most of the share issue is allocated to GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION, and you need not be an existing shareholder to buy. Everybody buying New Shares receive bonus shares free of charge from the Founders of STENOCARE.

    GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION: Everybody, including new investors and existing shareholders, can participate in the open, general subscription. This is done directly in your bank on-line (or by contacting your bank manager). Alternatively, you can complete the Subscription Form below without rights and send it to your bank. Payment takes place after allocation on June 15

    SUBSCRIPTION WITH RIGHTS: Existing shareholders that wish to exercise their subscription rights and anyone wanting to buy extra rights to be sure about allocation can do so via their bank. Payment takes place automatically on purchase. All shareholders as per May 26 EOB will have subscription rights corresponding to their holding of shares and have priority in case of an oversubscription.

    Please see the Prospectus for all details. In case of doubt or discrepancies, the Prospectus prevails.

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“Millionærklubben” interview with journalist, Pernille Enggaard, EuroInvestor – CLICK HERE

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Facebook Live interview with journalist, Annabella Pulz, FinWire News CLICK HERE


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Questions & Answers

Everybody, including all new investors and existing shareholders, can subscribe for the New Shares at DKK 20 each and we have reserved a large, extra portion of shares FOR GENERAL SUBSCRIPTION that everybody can subscribe for to secure that as many as possible get a chance to participate.

The existing shareholders will have a general priority as well as a specific priority to buy (=subscribe) for the New Shares – based on their holdings af STENOCARE shares on May 26. For each 6 shares they own, they can subscribe for 1 New Share at DKK 20 each. You can follow the instructions for how to subscribe on our website.

Alle, inkl. nye investorer og eksisterende aktionærer kan købe Nye Aktier til DKK 20 per stk. Vi har etableret en stor overtegningsreserve af Nye Aktier for at give mulighed for at købe aktier til så mange deltagere som muligt.

De eksisterende aktionærer vil have fortegningsret dvs. en garanteret ret til at købe (=”tegne”) de Nye Aktier – baseret på det antal STENOCARE aktier de ejer den 26. maj. For hver 6 aktier de ejer, vil de kunne tegne 1 Ny Aktie til DKK 20 per stk. Du kan mere information om hvordan man køber de Nye Aktier på vores hjemmeside.

Yes, the share issue is a so-called Rights Issue which means that existing shareholders have Rights to subscribe for New Shares at DKK 20 each. Therefore, if you are an existing shareholder on the record date (May 26) you will receive subscription rights for New Shares. For every 6 shares owned, the shareholder has a guaranteed right to buy 1 New Share at DKK 20 each. As a shareholder, you will also have a general preference in case of oversubscription. On the other hand, we have added an oversubscription reserve of 15mkk to the issue in order to increase the “pool” so that everybody can participate as much as possible.



Ja, emissionen er en såkaldt ”fortegningsemission”, som giver aktionærer en garanteret ret til at kunne købe (=”tegne”) Nye Aktier til DKK 20 per stk. De aktionærer, der ejer STENOCARE aktier den 26. maj vil få tildelt tegningsrettigheder til de Nye Aktier. For hver 6 aktier man ejer, udløses en garanteret ret til at kunne købe 1 Ny Aktie til DKK 20 per stk. Som aktionær bliver du også prioriteret, hvis der skulle være overtegning af Nye Aktier. Men vi har en overtegningsreserve på DKK 15 mill for at kunne tilgodese flest mulige købere.

You can subscribe for as many shares as you want and you can follow the instructions for how to subscribe on our website. We have reserved more than half of the entire number of New Shares on offer for general subscription (i.e subscription without a need for subscription rights), so everybody should have a good chance of receiving what they want or at least a good part of it.

Shareholders have preferential rights. This means that as a shareholder you get subscription rights (one per share) and for each 6 shares you own, you get the guaranteed right to buy one New Share in the issue. As a shareholder you also get a preferential position in relation to the general subscription mentioned above. You are considered a shareholder in relation to the issue with the shares that you hold (if any) on the 26th of May, which is the so-called Record date.

If you are not a shareholder on the 26th May, or if you would just like to be sure to buy more shares than those secured by the shares that you already own, then you can buy subscription rights in the market from the 25th May to 9 June. This way, you gain the right to buy one share at 20DKK for each 6 rights. This is an extra option that some investors like to use but not a requirement to buy the New Shares.


Du kan købe alle de Nye Aktier du ønsker. På vores hjemmeside finder du informationer om hvordan. Vi har reserveret mere end halvdelen af alle de Nye Aktier til det generelle salg af Nye Aktier (det vil sige salg, der ikke kræver tegningsretter), så flest mulige vil få mulighed for at købe det antal de ønsker.

Eksisterende aktionærer har en prioriteret rettighed til at købe. Du vil modtage det antal tegningsretter som svarer til antal aktier du allerede ejer i STENOCARE (1:1), og de giver dig en garanti til at kunne købe 1 Ny Aktie for hver 6 tegningsretter. For at modtage disse tegningsretter, skal man være aktionær i STENOCARE den 26. maj.

Hvis du ikke er aktionær den 26. maj, eller du ønsker en garanti for at kunne købe flere aktier end du har tegningsrettigheder der kan dække – så er det muligt at købe tegningsretter i banken fra den 26. maj til den 9. juni. Dermed får du en garanteret rettighed til at købe 1 Ny Aktie til DKK 20 per stk for hver 6 tegningsretter. Dette er blot en ekstra mulighed som nogle investorer benytter, men det er ikke et krav for at kunne købe de Nye Aktier.



Questions & Answers

For every 3 New Shares you subscribe at DKK 20 each – you will receive 1 bonus share free from the Founders of STENOCARE. This way, you get 4 shares and pay for 3, and this is equal to 25% discount. This also means that you pay a net price of DKK 15 per share which you can compare with the market price of the share if you want to calculate the precise (or total) discount that you get. You can follow the instructions for how to subscribe on our website.

For hver 3 Nye Aktier man tegner for til DKK 20 per stk, vil man modtage 1 gratis bonus aktie fra stifterne af STENOCARE. Dermed får man 4 aktier og betaler for 3, og dette svarer til 25% rabat. Det betyder, at nettoprisen er DKK 15 per stk, som du kan sammenligne med markedsprisen hvis du ønsker at beregne det totale rabat du har opnået. Der er flere informationer på vores hjemmeside om hvordan du køber de Nye Aktier.

STENOCARE is listed on Nasdaq First North, and the New Shares should be subscribed from you bank in the subscription period that starts on May 27. New investors should subscribe in their bank or send the subscription form to their bank (the form is available on the STENOCARE homepage). Existing shareholders should place their subscription orders with the bank where they have their STENOCARE shares.

STENOCARE er noteret på Nasdaq First North, og aktierne handles via din egen bank. Tegning af Nye Aktier sker også via banken i tegningsperioden der starter den 27. maj. Nye investorer skal udfylde tegningsformularen (Subscription Form), som findes på STENOCARE hjemmeside. Formularen skal sendes til banken. Eksisterende aktionærer køber (tegner) de Nye Aktier i egen bank, hvor de har STENOCARE aktiedepot.

The share issue offer includes a free bonus share. To get one free bonus share, you must buy 3 New Shares at DKK 20 each. The offer is simple: buy 3 New Shares, and get 1 free bonus share from the Founders of STENOCARE. This mean you get 4 shares and pay for 3. This means, that the net price for the shares is DKK 15 each and you can then compare with the market price of the share to calculate the real discount.

Emissionen består af en rabat, som gives i form af en gratis bonus aktie. For at få en gratis bonus aktie, så skal man købe 3 stk Nye Aktier til DKK 20 per stk. Det er købet af tre Nye Aktier, som udløser en gratis bonus aktie. Det betyder, at man får 4 aktier og betaler for 3. Resultatet er, at nettoprisen er DKK 15 per aktie. Du kan så beregne den reelle rabat ved at sammenligne de 15kr/stk med markedsprisen.



Questions & Answers

The subscription period starts May 27 and this is the first date you can subscribe for the New Shares at DKK 20 each. The subscription period ends on June 11. Existing shareholders will/should receive a message from their bank with instructions about how to subscribe around the 19th of May. Please check with your bank if you don’t receive such a message.

Tegningsperioden starter den 27. maj, og dette er første dag man kan købe de Nye Aktier til DKK 20 per stk. Tegningsperioden slutter den 11. juni. Eksisterende aktionærer vil modtage information fra deres bank om emissionen omkring den 19. maj. Kontakt banken hvis dette ikke sker.

On June 24. The offer is to buy 3 New Shares, and get 1 free bonus share from the Founders of STENOCARE. This way you have 4 shares in total. You can subscribe for as many shares as you want.  New investors must complete the subscription of during the subscription period (May 27 to June 11), and existing shareholders should buy via their bank.  On June 15 the bank will inform you about the New Share allocation for you, and if you received an allocation – then the bonus share in ratio 3:1 (3 New Shares triggers 1 bonus tshare) will be transferred to your bank deposit on June 24.

Den 24. juni. Tilbuddet i emissionen er: køb 3 Nye Aktier og få 1 gratis bonus aktie af stifterne af STENOCARE. Dermed har du totalt 4 aktier. Du kan købe alle de New Aktier du ønsker. Nye investorer skal tegne aktierne i deres bank eller udfylde tegningsformularen (=subscription form) og sende den til deres bank i tegningsperioden (27. maj til 11. juni), og eksisterende aktionærer skal køb via deres bank. Den 15. juni vil din bank informere dig om du har fået allokeret de Nye Aktier, som du ønskede et købe. Baseret på det antal Nye Aktier du har fået allokeret, vil du modtage gratis bonus aktier i forholdet 3:1 (3 Nye aktier udløber 1 bonus aktie) på dit depot den 24. juni.


Основные RGB

Sådan investerer man i STENOCARE emissionen

Kort dansk vejledning i at udnytte det unikke tilbud på at købe 3 nye aktier for DKK 20 per stk og få 1 gratis bonusaktie, hvilket svarer til en gennemsnitspris på DKK 15 per stk

Основные RGB

Information om svenska ISK- och KF-konton

Denna information är enbart relevant för svenska investerare vilka använder ISK- eller KF-konton i samband med att de tecknar nya aktier för 20 DKK och erhåller en vederlagsfri bonusaktie

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The share issue

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Important dates

Calender icon
First day of trading in subscription rights

Monday May 25, 2020

Calender icon
Record date for receiving subscription rights

Tuesday May 26, 2020

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Subscription period starts

Wednesday May 27, 2020

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Last day of trading in subscription rights

Tuesday June 9, 2020

Calender icon
Subscription period ends

Thurday June 11, 2020

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Publication of result and allocation

Monday June 15, 2020

Calender icon
Transfer of bonus shares

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Calender icon
First day of trade with new shares on Nasdaq First North

Wednesday June 24, 2020

Information about the offering

Price per share

DKK 20,00 per share

Pre-emptive rights (1:6)

All Existing Shareholders at the end of the Record date will receive Subscription Rights (1 per share). Six (6) Subscription Rights are required to subscribe for one New Share in the Rights Issue.

Bonus Shares (1:3)

For every three (3) New Shares subscribed for, subscribers receive one Bonus Share free of charge from the Founders.

Valuation (pre-money):

DKK 178.9 million. 8,942,762 shares at DKK 20 per share.


The total pre-subscription is DKK 17.3 million or 58% of the Rights Issue.

Proceeds at full subscription

DKK 44.8 million gross and DKK 41.5 million net after cost.

Admission for trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark

STENOCARE is admitted to trading on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark and will be delisted from Spotlight Stock Market. The share is unchanged and carries the same stock ticker: [STENO] and permanent ISIN code: DK0061078425 in VP Securities.

Temporary ISIN codes

Temporary Shares: DK0061272317 (not traded, will solely be used to subscribe for the New Shares). Subscription Rights: DK0061272234 (traded, no value if unused).

Trading of New Shares

The New Shares will also be traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark.

Important: Subscription in general as well as subscription for and trading in Subscription Rights is undertaken through your bank, in accordance with the subscription instructions given by the bank.

We are pleased to answer your questions

If you have any investor related questions please find the contact information of STENOCARE and our Certified Adviser.

Please note that Stenocare is not allowed to reply to medical questions. Issues of this nature should be discussed with your own doctor.

I hereby give my consent for the information provided on this form to be held on computer or other relevant filing systems in Stenocare, until they contact me.
The information provided on this form is sent to a mail box, where authorised personnel with special clearance can access and process the information.
When contact has been achieved and there no longer is a need for the information provided in this form, the email is deleted.

By giving consent I accept that Stenocare may store and process my information until contact is achieved.
Data controller is Stenocare.

Consent is given freely and may be withdrawn at any time.

I have on been informed of my rights and how I exercise them in accordance with Personal data policy (GDPR).

Certified Adviser

Keswick Global AG
Hoffingergasse 16/1/6
1120 Wien, Austria